Well that was a busy weekend, photographing the Great North Runs 2024. And what a difference a day makes in weather! Beautiful sunshine to wet and miserable. Probably cooler for the Great North Run which helps once you’re going and easier for the spectators on the Junior and Mini Runs.
More than 60,000 competitors, fun runners and athletes charging at you over the Tyne Bridge is a magnificent sight. Even in the wet miserable weather which just started as the main event did. Still those aching limbs and tired muscles are worth it, capturing those pictures really makes me proud. If its an elite athlete or fundraising amateur I get the same level of satisfaction.
And the little ones in the mini and junior events, they were amazing and am sure I’ve seen some of the great athletes of the future. The pace they came down the home straight was phenomenal, MASSIVE WELL DONE.
A sprinkling of celebs but special shout out to World Record Holder Adele Roberts who took on the courses and still found time to run with the supporters and their family and friends. She was FAB.

Over 11,000 children between 4 and 16 completed the junior and mini events, and as I said some very good runners for the future. Some great talent on show. Probably a little more relaxed on the Quayside with spectators enjoying food a drink for the venues there.
An amazing weekend, well done all and see you next year.
All our photos as always are available at ‘Your Photos’ please take the time and have a look.
Results for the Great North Runs 2024 can be found on the ‘Great Run’ page, you’ll be amazed at some of the times.